Bach Long Vi Fm
Type Locality and Naming
The type section is established on Bach Long Vi Island, Bac Bo Gulf (N = 20°08’; E = 107°43’).
Synonym: Hệ tầng Bạch Long Vĩ: Trần Vãn Tri et al 1977; Trịnh Dánh 1979, 1980, 1985, 1993, (in Vũ Khúc et al.2000); Hoàng Ngọc Kỳ et al. 2001. Hệ tầng Phù Thúy Châu + hệ tầng Họa Mi: PhạnỊ Quang Trung et al. 1999.
Lithology and Thickness
Lacustrine sediments of 175-200 m of grey clayey siltstone, claystone and siltstone interbedded with sandstone.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
Unconformable on the Phu Thuy Chau Fm.
Upper contact
Not known
Regional extent
Only exposed on the Bach Long Vi island
Containing a palynological assemblage characterized by Quercus sp., Castanea sp., Magnolia sp., Ulmus sp., Hamamelis sp., Myrtus sp., Ilex sp., Carya sp., Liquidambar sp.. Containing the following leaf impressions Quercus bonnieri, Qu. neriifolia, Qu. lantenoisi, Fagus antipofii, Litsea magnifica, Persea indica, Sapindus cf. linearyfolius, Phragmites oenlngensis, Quercus neriifolia, Litsea sp. Cinnamomum lanceolatum, Phragmites oeningensis.
Depositional setting
It is interpreted as lacustrine in the only exposure.
Additional Information